Second Reflection

The difference between online educational content and openly licensed educational content

Online educational content refers to the ways in which people can watch videos, read articles, do exercises, etc. to gain knowledge online. As the developing of technology, online education becomes more and more popular. But if you wish to access these resources, you must get permission from the author before you can access. Openly licensed educational content is totally free and open to the public, which means it’s easier for learners to find the resources. Another difference is that openly licensed educational content allows people to use the knowledge they want to do the second edition.

Khan Academy is an excellent OER example I found. I known and visited this website since high school. This website is non-profitable and useful, in most cases you can find the course you want, no matter is math, physics, English etc. They post short videos on the website which is short and easy to understand.

Evaluation by using the faculty guide


There is a short sentence on Khan Academy website for students and leaners.” you can learn anything. Build a deep, solid understanding in math, science, and more.” videos include all subjects covered in school and for all grades from kindergarten up to high school. As an Economics undergraduate student, I can still find the course I need in Khan Academy.


Khan Academy has been questioned for their academic accuracy, because the founder of this website is not a professional educator, and the history course of Khan Academy has made mistakes, but they timely corrected the errors in the video. As a user I think in most courses, especially science, their accuracy is still very high.


I personally very much like the course videos produced by the Khan Academy. They are short, concise and easy to understand.


There are many ways you can watch videos at Khan Academy, for example you can visit their website directly. All the courses are totally free for watching. You can also find their videos on YouTube. The website and its content are provided mainly in English, but are also available in other languages. Chinese, Spanish, French, Arabic so and so forth.


Video style of Khan Academy is concise. Usually, the solution of example questions is written directly on the blackboard. No other photos or interesting videos are provided. They have certain exercises and quizzes for learners to check if they have understood the knowledge.


If you log in to the Khan Academy website you will find a classification of different course, which gives students the option to watch the course they are interested in. Students can start or pause the video at any time based on their speed of understanding. Of course, leaner can reuse the materials.

OER in my life

As a student I like to study by myself, OER played a very important role in my life, it is very suitable for my learning style. For example, after I review the materials given by the teacher before each exam, I will log in to various websites to see other people’s different views and teaching steps on my problems in order to understand more deeply.



What is OER?

How Khan Academy Is Changing the Rules of Education.




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